Introducing #SocialU

3-Part Social Media School Teaching You WHAT'S WORKING NOW (and what isn't) for Online Coaches + Business Owners

Discount available for a limited time only

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Enroll Now 50% off - $99 (Reg. $199)

Instagram Stories 101: best practices for IG Stories, what's working RIGHT NOW and how to generate more DM convos + eventual sales in the DM (yes, literally sell in your DMs like most of my clients do!)

Exact posting schedule, rinse-and-repeat strategies and how to connect authentically to attract the right potential client

3 WORKSHOPS teaching you everything you need to know about social media: exact posting prompts, how to come up with ideas, how to connect with ideal clients + how to generate client leads using social media.

Trainings are 2-hours each (that's a total of 6 hours of education!), along with access to slides and additional downloadables for maximizing your social media impact.

WHAT TO FOCUS ON VS. WHAT DOESN'T MATTER: You may be overwhelmed and feel like you have to be doing ALL THE THINGS, or maybe you just don't know where to start. I'm going to take the guesswork out of it for you and share exactly what matters (+ what doesn't).

I'm helping you think like a business-owner, connecting with potential leads on social and moving them towards a sale in an organic and non-sleazy way.

Social media can be so overwhelming and well, frustrating ...

Maybe you have an Instagram account or a Facebook page, and you're trying to use them to start or grow your online coaching ... but it feels so thankless:

  • Hours spent on posts only to get 3 Likes
  • Always struggling for ideas on what to post
  • And even when you have ideas, they seem to fall flat or just don’t seem “good enough” to break through the saturated online space
  • Maybe you struggle feeling like you have anything original to say, it feels like people who are further along are doing it better anyway, so why bother
  • You worry you're not good enough to “make it” online and you doubt yourself ... what if it doesn't work?
  • You often feel overwhelmed at the sheer amount of things you *could* be doing, so you don’t do anything consistently (you're not alone!)
  • You're unsure how to “start” your business, and scared of doing the wrong thing and messing it up
  • Or maybe, you haven't even started using social media because you just have no idea where to begin

I gotchu.

Every year, I work with hundreds of health, fitness + nutrition pros to not only grow their social media followings, but actually make STRONG CONNECTIONS with people in their audience so they can actually sell coaching packages and make real money online.

See, if you want to start or grow an online business using social media, you are in the TRUST Business. And people ONLY buy from those they know, like and trust.

Which means that you need to be the teacher and exemplify your expertise with authority BUT you also need to be the friend—show your humanity and tell your own story of transformation so that a potential client can see that you can “get” them.

See, people buy coaches, not coaching.

And if you aren’t using your social media to both talk about your expertise while also pulling back the curtain and sharing WHO you are and what you believe in … then people won’t feel connected and compelled enough to invest in you as their coach.

In the self-paced #SocialU course, I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to post (and exactly what not to post, eek!) to elicit both authority AND relatedness. It’s an art, and once you start practicing, you’ll see just how effective it is for generating real, actual leads, customers, sales and more freedom than you could imagine.

I can't wait to watch your client roster explode!

Let's do this!

Xo, Jill

Hi, I'm your instructor, Jill Coleman👋

I'm the founder of JillFit, host of the popular Fit Biz U podcast and the creator of Fitness Business Accelerator, an in-depth 6-month mentorship for health/fitness coaches who are beginners to internet business.

Over the last decade at JillFit, I've made it my mission to help as many trainers and coaches quit the Fitness Hustle (you know it--split shifts, early mornings, late nights, training people for pennies) and move their services online to have more freedom and create courses and programs that generate revenue even when you're not there.

When I started online, it was out of pure misery working 70-80 hours a week at the gym and always feeling in scarcity around money and clients. I started JillFit as a blog, but within18 months, we'd grown to a 6-figure online business with 5 coaches. Fast forward 10 years and JillFit has grossed over $6M+ helping people all over the world get fit, live healthier and yes, build their online coaching business.

You're here because you want more options. You're sick of feeling stressed about money constantly and having your schedule dictated by clients, gym owners and group fitness classes.

You know you need to do something drastically different. Well, you're in the right place. I gotchu.

Enroll in #SocialU and start putting your footprint down online so you can create freedom and success for years to come.

I'm pulling back the curtain on my personal social media playbook.

In #SocialU, I share exactly how I post to keep my engagement high, Story views high and continue to build trust with my audience, so that the selling takes care of itself.

You ready?


#SocialU is on sale 50% off for a limited time only

Enroll Now 50% off - $99 (Reg $199)