The 9-Week Total Body Change Blueprint
This 9-week, 6-days-per-week program is for intermediate to advanced exercisers who want to look like they actually workout, and don’t have time to spend hours in the gym.
Train for aesthetics.
Look like you lift weights.
Add lean curves, decrease inches.
40 minutes or less, 6 days a week.
Get consistent. See results.
#FastPhysique includes 28 full-length workouts, all 40 minutes or less, designed to change the shape of the body, and increase definition and lean lines.
Combines the most effective exercise modalities to generate maximal results in less time
Metabolic conditioning
Heavier weight-training
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) cardio
Sprint training
Delivered via PDFs for print-and-go, exercise demo videos for each movement and information on how to adjust to your fitness level – everything housed in an online membership portal you log into with a username and password. You have access forever!
So many women already getting after it:

Hi, I'm Jill Coleman!
I'm the owner of JillFit, creator of #FastPhysique
I'm the founder of JillFit Physiques, and a certified personal trainer with a BS in Exercise Science and an MS in clinical nutrition.
Over my last 19 years in the fitness industry, I've done everything from compete in figure competitions, to run triathlons and half-marathons, to write hundreds of articles on fitness and nutrition for publications like Women’s Health, Prevention, OnFitness and others, as well as on my own site at JillFit.com, to personal train thousands of clients using the techniques included in #FastPhysique to maximize results.
My personal fitness philosophy is less is more.
It's possible to reach a point of diminishing returns with your exercise, so finding that sweet spot is critical. If you train intensely, and use rest strategically, you don't need to be spending hours. If you preferentially choose weight-training based exercise over long, slow boring cardio, your body responds accordingly.
This is how I train, and it's what has gotten the best results I've ever seen with my clients.
Over the last 19 years, I've worked with women of all ages, fitness levels and goal sets, and one common struggle I hear is: "I spend so much time in the gym and my eating is healthy, but it doesn't make a difference in how my body looks!"
I totally get that. I see women every day, month, YEAR at the gym pedaling away on the elliptical for an hour and THEY LOOK THE EXACT SAME.
So while there is certainly something to be said for maintenance and of course exercise has plenty of benefits besides weight loss or muscle gain, the key misconception is this:
Thinking that longer workouts equate to better results is simply short-sighted.
Twelve years ago, I stopped doing hour-long sessions with my clients and moved them to 30-minute sessions instead. What I saw happen was (at the time) even more shocking than I expected:
- Better compliance – my clients would often cancel 60-minute sessions because they just felt mentally overwhelmed by the thought of it, but 30 minutes they could handle no problem.
- Better physique results – one of my favorite clients was a 60-year old woman, Sharon, who started lifting intensely with me, and using Rest-based training (RBT) to add muscle, definition and it completely change the shape of her body. It’s easy to get results with 20-year olds, but choosing intensity over duration showed me that regardless of age, you can change the look of the physique.
- More enjoyment – Here’s the thing: these workouts aren't that fun. If you want fun, go to Zumba, ha! However, what I started noticing with clients was that they came to not only tolerate but enjoy the intensity, and that the physical strength they gained translated into mental strength. Once they adopted intense RBT sessions, they never wanted to do anything else again. Physical challenges and learning new movement patterns can be huge motivational tools.
Long, monotonous workouts won't be doable for long.
#FastPhysique is specifically designed to keep you highly engaged for 9 straight weeks.
You will be doing a combination of heavy weight training, high-intensity interval training, sprints and metabolic conditioning that will generate a huge metabolic response and nothing less than a monumental change in your physique.

What's Included in #FastPhysique?
Upon purchase, you'll get access to a closed membership site, where all the workouts, tutorial videos and photos are housed.
- 28 Full-Length Workouts: #FastPhysique contains 9 weeks’ worth of workouts, broken up by day and type to give you a 6-day-per week complete training program:
- 10 Cardio HIIT workouts (for all different machines)
- 12 Heavy weight-training workouts
- 3 Track/sprint workouts
- 3 Metabolic conditioning workouts
- Video Demos for Each Exercise: #FastPhysique contains over 60 weight training exercises but they are all basic movements that don’t require a ton of coaching. Equipment needs are simple, as 90% of the movements use a barbell or dumbbells and a bench. You’ll need optional access to pulleys and a pull-up bar.
- The idea that your workout needs to be long and overly complicated to be effective is just not true.
- But as a refresher, all movements have accompanying videos to make workouts super easy to follow. The membership portal is mobile-friendly so you’ll be able to bring up the videos on your phone at the gym, no problem
- 9-Week Programming Calendar: It’s one thing to have access to a bunch of workouts, but if you don’t know what workout to do when, it can feel overwhelming. Most of my clients love a schedule to follow.
- Super easy-to-follow 9-week programming calendar for you, with each of the 6 days of training outlined. So there is absolutely zero guesswork. You know exactly what to do and when to do it.
- This program is fairly hardcore because the body needs an impetus greater that previously exerted in order to respond further. So the name of the game is volume, at 6 days a week. This is not a forever solution, but with some short-term commitment, you will be able to see a huge change in your physique. BUT, with that being said, if you don’t have 6 days, no problem. Just do your best and you will definitely get some great effects.I understand because I see my old self in all of these scenarios, too. I did this for the first 30 years of my life.
Thinking about food and exercise used to feel like a full-time job. Never mind the actual time it took to prep food, hit the gym sometimes 3 times a day (!!!), eat 6-7 times a day, etc., if I wasn’t engaging in eating and training, I was thinking about it.
Open for a limited time.
This is a LIMITED TIME offer available this NOW only
Because you're here and I know you want solutions, I'm opening enrollment JUST FOR YOU.
Who is #FastPhysique for?
- It's for those who want a faster and more effective way to exercise. Less time and better results. It's old school to think you need to be in the gym for hours. Just not true and definitely not necessary for fat loss and body change.
- These workouts are for people who get bored easily. #FastPhysique is about beating boredom. The 28 unique workouts have you circuit training, doing intervals, and moving from exercise to exercise quickly so things don't get monotonous and stale.
- #FastPhysique is for intermediate to advanced exercisers. #FastPhysique is what I consider a pretty hardcore program, and even though the movements are fairly simple, the weight will be (relatively) heavy and you will be moving quickly to achieve a lot of volume in a short amount of time.
- It's for you if you want to get a kickass workout and actually look like you work out. The idea for this program came about as more women told me they don't feel like they have a body that reflects the time and energy they put in at the gym. So, the goal is body shape change and the intensity, frequency and volume of this program will achieve that.
Who is #FastPhysique NOT for?
- This isn't for people who want long workouts or to train for hours. If duration is the name of your game, this is not the program for you. But intensity? Yes.
- It's not for people training for a specific event or competition. #FastPhysique is for the average person who wants to change the shape of their physique, feel better and enjoy their workouts. The magic is in the non-specificity. If you love spending hours at the gym, this isn't for you.
- It's 100% not for those looking for instantaneous results with little effort. There are no shortcuts and while I believe that #FastPhysique workouts and similar high-intensity, short-duration workouts are the BEST for results, you still can't cut corners. No magic pills or gimmicks. Consistency with training is key.
- #FastPhysique isn't for people who have never exercised. While the workouts can be regressed for those who are just getting started, if you are brand new to exercise, I recommend starting with an in-person trainer to get comfortable with lifting first.
DISCLAIMER: This course is not designed to diagnose or treat those suffering from clinically-diagnosed eating disorders. The information enclosed in this course is for educational purposes only and JillFit takes no responsibility for the choices that you make with your nutrition. By enrolling in this course, you acknowledge that you alone are responsible and if you have questions, you understand that you can and should consult to your physician. If you feel like the above statement cannot be or is not true for you, please do not enroll in this course.

Frequently Asked Questions about #FastPhysique
What equipment do I need?
Ninety percent of the workouts can be completed with a barbell, dumbbells and a bench. The last 10% involved a pulley system. I recommend having access to a regular commercial gym to do this program. It’s not required, and you’ll still get results if you are training at home, but you might have to get creative with alternative exercises. You’ll also need access to something you can use to do interval cardio (treadmill, rower, or even outside for sprints).
What format do the workouts come in?
All of the workouts are delivered via easy print-and-go PDF with accompanying video tutorials for all lifting movements. The membership site is also mobile-friendly, so you’ll be able to pull the PDFs and videos at the gym in real time, too.
Am I fit enough? This sounds intense!
You're right, the program is challenging and was designed with intermediate to advanced exercisers in mind. The reason is not to exclude, so much as I want you have to have something to work toward. I expect 90% of people to not be able to do the workouts exactly as is, mostly adjusting cardio routines and # of training days. Not everyone has a full 6 days a week to train, so you will have to make it work for you and your schedule. In general, this programs is for regular exercisers who want to take things up a notch, or for those who are already training intensely, but want a more targeted and strategic approach to follow to get their physiques responding again.
Will I get sore with these workouts?
The short answer is yes, 95% of people will be sore the first week. That’s normal, and whether these are new movement patterns for you, or it’s an increase in volume of exercise, you will experience soreness. It’s not ideal, but it’s common. However—and here’s the important thing—the key is understanding it’s transient and then managing it as best you can so that you can continue to train. Making sure you are moving throughout the day, getting plenty of rest, eating appropriately for recovery and doing proper warm-ups. The good news is that it doesn’t last so if you can get through the first week, you will have an easier time recovering week to week, until you just don’t get sore anymore
What if I can’t exercise 6 days a week?
Yes, this will be a common concern, and warranted. Consistency is key, and by making the workouts 40 minutes or less, hopefully that provides a lower barrier to entry. But bottom line, a lot of folks won’t be able to commit to 6 days a week, and that is fine. You need to make it wok for you and your unique schedule and priorities. BUT, I don’t want you going into all-or-nothing mode, because the reality is that if you can commit to at least 4 days a week of #FastPhysique, you will experience a substantial change in your physique. Six days is ideal, but all you can do is your best. And even if you don’t get in 6 days a week (in the portal, I share with you exactly which workouts to do, preferentially, for results), you’ll still get benefit.
How long will I have access to these workouts?
You have access to the #FastPhysique membership portal forever.
What if I am currently doing another program?
The programming for #FastPhysique is an intense 9 weeks of 6 days per week workouts. It is a standalone program that I recommend doing as is, without any additional exercise. All workouts are 40 minutes. For some people, that might feel too short, you can always add in a little leisure walking, but nothing intense. I don’t want you overtraining, and I want you rested up enough to get up the next day and train well again. Don’t make the mistake of doing too much. If you are currently doing another training program, I recommend completing it before starting #FastPhysique, so that you can do FP as written.
Is there any coaching that goes along with this?
There is not. This program is a DIY. It’s a practice in YOU learning your body, listening to it and implementing workouts that will challenge it to change. The fact that it’s DIY also means that I have tried my best to think of every single little thing that might come up for you while doing the program, and preemptively added it to the membership portal. If there are additional bonuses or content that needs clarification, I will be adding that to the portal. However, there is no ongoing coaching access to me, but the value of the program is literally multiple times the price.
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
If you don't like the program, email me and I'll refund your money!
Upon purchase:Ā within seconds, you will receive your receipt via email (be sure to check your Junk email folder), and there will be a Download or Access button for you to click. You'll be re-routed to a Thank You page that will provide access to an online membership portal. You will log in with a username and password and access the workouts, all the overview information, videosĀ for the exercises and the suggested 9-week programming calendarĀ for the workouts. Questions? Email me at [email protected]